Daily Newsletter by NFT Newspaper

Upcoming NFT Project ? List Your Project Today

  • We accept only upcoming projects | More options soon
  • We can decide not to accept a project
  • Price is 0.1 ETH or 200 MATIC to be displayed in our ‘Upcoming’ Section
  • For more services (more advertising), please check the option ‘I want more advertising’ (Price is over 0.5 ETH)

List Your Project:

  • Before listing your project, please send 0.1 ETH or 200 MATIC to: 0x7Fe4BCc479e7fdbBec1c281cc371C4fb0B0abB4E
  • After transaction is verified, please share your transaction ID below (Find it with Etherscan.io or Polygonscan.com)
  • Your Project will be listed ASAP after your request (within 12 hours or less)